Wednesday 12 November 2014

How to make bull eye eggs.

   Think convenient; think egg. Easy to prepare; pleasant on the palate.  Hehehe.
This simple egg recipe with the weirdest name is literally one of the easiest food anyone can make.

What you'll need:
3 raw eggs
2 table spoons of vegetable oil
A pinch of salt and pepper

In the last post, I showed you how to test your egg for freshness. Now place a frying pan on the fire ( low heat ),add your oil and let heat for a minute, crack your eggs and pour straight into the pan, sprinkle salt and black pepper, let fry for 2 minutes, serve on a plate, garnish with whatever vegetables you have. This goes great with toast. Easy and yummy for any time of day. What I usually do is place the hot egg on a kitchen paper to drain any excess oil then serve afterwards.

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