Monday, 15 December 2014

Get in here my Shakara lovers

Hi guys, I'm sure you all noticed things are being slow around here, I sincerely apologise for that but I'm going to urge you to please bear with me as due to circumstances beyond my control, updates might remain slow till mid January. Honestly I appreciate it each time I see that someone has visited this blog, it motivates me. So from mid January, you guys are going to be getting the best of this blog. For now; keep visiting as I'll be doing my best to update from time to time. Once again, thanks a zillion.

How to make Chapman

     Can you remember the first cocktail you ever had? I still can recall how delightful it was the first time I had Chapman, my very first cocktail...It tasted like magic so much that I couldn't stop wondering what went into it but that was a looooooooong time ago when babes just dey enter puberty. Now though, Shakara done plenty because

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Nigerian Beans with Plantain

    One of the many Nigerian food I like is Plantain especially the very ripe ones because I could think of a whole lot to do with them one of which is Beans and

How to break down the gas causing compounds in beans

    I like beans, do you? Yea, don't tell meee; It is common knowledge that Beans causes flatulence and as a result, people including those who checked Beans as favourite food get hesitant when a beans menu is mentioned. Good news is there's a way to get rid of the flatulence causing properties in beans and

Monday, 8 December 2014

Sweet peas with Chicken

    Few posts back, I showed you how to make scrumptious sweet peas; today I cooked some and used Chicken instead of

   beef which was what I  used last time. This time, I used 1 can of plum peeled tomatoes and 1 tablespoon of tomato puree to achieve this nice colour. Other than the mentioned changes and addition, the recipe remains the same. This treat just gets exciting.

Chicken potatoes in the oven

    For nights in a row, we had this for dinner simply because we couldn't get enough of it; that's how yummy this meal is and even though I didn't marinate the chicken due to lack of time, it came out fantastic. Follow the steps below for an amazing experience.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

How to make bread

Tired of store bought breads? You can make your own bread at home where you you will be sure to take control over what goes into it. Below is a basic recipe for bread making.
What you need :

Monday, 1 December 2014

How to cook scrumptious sweet peas

   Not many people like sweet peas, some have termed it boring even in movies, you will see a child grumbling with annoyance over the peas on his plate;I find that so unfair to peas, like beans they don't get much love but we must not blame that on the peas, we should blame the not so interesting cooking methods we've been applying to them.
Sweet peas like the name implies, makes  a delicious dish but depends only on how you cook it. Therefore, if you follow the recipe below for your next sweet peas experience, I'll bet you sweet peas will become your new favourite food.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Home-made fish fingers

   Fish fingers, Chicken fingers, whatever fingers, I love all the fingers even more so when they are home-made. I particularly like how it's all crispy on the outside yet tender inside. I will give two recipes for fish fingers; other than a slight difference in tastes, the end results are the same.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Easy Jollof Twist

   Rice was the only thing I could think of  last night and I knew I just had to have it. Only problem was I wanted it instantly. I had spent the whole day not eating anything other than the mug of lemon tea and a banana I'd had in the morning; I didn't feel like eating anything else until the pangs of hunger hit me  almost at dinner time and all I could see through my hunger stricken eyes was rice; like a zombie, I went about making a quick one and hellz yea, La food, La yummy; La palate, La happy Lol. Read on for the recipe.